raffle tickets July 14

Raffle for a Cause - Church Floor

Sunday, July 14, 2024 03:00 PM - Sunday, July 14, 2024 04:00 PM
St Augustine of Canterbury

raffle tickets July 14

500 tickets are still available for the grand raffle on July 14th. All funds from this raffle will be used to complete the 2nd part of the flooring project for our Church. Please help us to sell these tickets. God bless you, Fr Salvador

Llamado a la solidaridad!! Tenemos todavia 500 numeros para vender para la gran rifa del 14 de Julio. Cada numero vale 10 dolares. Recuerden que lo que se junte de esta rifa se usara para completar la 2da parte del projecto del nuevo piso para la Parroquia. Por favor, ayudenos a vender numeros. Gracias, Dios los bendiga, P. Salvador 

$10 per ticket.


  1. dinner for two at the CN Tower
  2. canoe
  3. Clavinova organ
  4. bicycle
  5. bicycle
  6. Plus 5 additional consolation cash prizes of $50 each